• Connecting Farmers

    Travel blog about Western European farmers

    by Peter Erik Ywema

  • The Goal

    A portrait of Western European farmers

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    Farmers are at the heart of many, essential societal challenges. They not only produce our food, feed, fuel and fibers with an historically small number of people (from 70-80% a few ages ago to 30 % around the 1950ies to less than 5 % now). The challenges are huge and range from social issues like a liveability of rural areas and succession, to economic risks and poor revenues, to climate, soil, water and biodiversity related issues.

    At SAI Platform we have tried to understand and help address these challenges, well intended but often from an outside-in perspective. Although some people may think differently, it's not easy to do it otherwise from the perspective of a big buying company.


    But what do we need to do to rethink our food system? A system that can last and is good for the ones who work in it. In the first place it needs the farmers'view. Their stories need to be heard, shared and understood to find the practical feasible answers to a challenge in the foodsystem that affects us all. I am going out to listen....

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    The Dutch Agro Newspaper 'De Boerderij' published the above on Jan 5.


    How?: I am travelling through Western Europe, from the Netherlands to the South of Spain to visit all kinds of farmers. And all that on my bicycle.

    In January, I started a journey from farmer to farmer. I ask to stay for one night and have a conversation about the way they work, live and see their lives change. How has their farm changed and what will it look like in the future, in 5 or 20 years? What do they need to keep producing, not only their farm products, but so much more... landscapes, biodiversity, 'carbon-sinks', employment? How do we develop an agriculture that supports farmers to do all this?


    The Dutch website Foodlog will also publish my my blogs (in Dutch)

    A local Dutch Newspaper interviewed me after the trip


    A summary article about my Spanish encounters


  • Blog

    Stories along the way
    (if you prefer to read the blogs in another language, I suggest to copy&paste the text in Deepl)

    March 18, 2018 · Inspiration
    What have you learned? Did you observe a difference in the appreciation of ‘sustainability’ of...
    March 8, 2018 · Farmers
    Here in the Sierra Norte, I met with Marta and Monte, two power women. Sheep and pig farmers, but...
    March 1, 2018 · Inspiration
    When I was finishing my long planned blogpost about water yesterday, I saw the weather forecasts...
    More Posts
  • The velodyssey is done! Interested in the results?

    16 March 2018, The 'Farm-velodyssey' is done.

    I have spoken with more than 35 farmers, and have a lot of notes to order and digest. Thanks for your support and interest. I am happy and available to come and talk about my experience.

    Please send an email to peywema@core-management.nl

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    Farmer Passport one

    Who? Teunis Jacob Slob (59) & Nelie (54)

    6 daughters/ 1 at home

    Where? Noordeloos (The Netherlands)

    Dairy Farmer (organic since 15 year)

    140 cows/ 68 ha (Plus 50 ha rented)

    Farming since: 28 year

    Farm belonged to his father


    Teunis Jacob: 'It took a generation to become allies [again] with nature conservation in stead of competitors.'


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    Farmer Passport Twenty-one

    Who? Luis Parra (30); His girlfriend is a teacher. No kids (yet)

    Where? Maestu (España)

    Mixed Farmer (inspired by Joel Salatin, US)

    30 sheep/ chicken(eggs and meat)/ grass and vegetables on 2 ha. One day/week on the market.

    Farming since: 8 year

    City boy who came with his parents in the country side and loved it.


    Luis: 'The monocultures you see around here are not sustainable. I want to create a farm in balance, environmentally and economically.'


  • About me

    Hi! My name is Peter Erik

    The past 10 years I spent my life as General Manager of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform). During these 10 years, I have had the privilege to visit farmers all over the world and gained deep respect for and curiosity about their work. . Now that I have decided to leave the Platform, it’s time to take a deep dive in farm live and see how I can add value at farm level and help connect farmers and society.


    So, I am making a 3000 km bike ride from farmer to farmer, from my home to the South of Spain, where a dozen of SAI Platform members have joined forces to help their supplying farmers to address serious water issues in the region. I intend to listen and bring their stories and pictures to the people that make policies and supply chain tools for more sustainable practices. Stories about real and normal farm life in the 21st century. Getting curious? Then have a look at my blog posts and follow me on my journey. Or as I personally call it: my crazy bike ride.

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    Me at the start of the crazy bike ride

  • The Trip

    A crazy bike ride to Southern Spain

    A 3000 km bike ride from farmer to farmer,

    from my home in the Netherland to the South of Spain.

    Start of the trip: 5 January 2018

    End of the trip: 11 March 2018

    Number of farmers that I have visited: >35 farmers


    Below you find my most recent day trip!

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    The whole 3000 km depends on the hospitality of farmers and willingness to share their stories. And of course on my legs and language.

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